Financial literacy made easy
MoneyTime is an online financial literacy program for children ages 10 to 14.
Learning through play
MoneyTime combines interactive financial literacy lessons with a money management game to make learning about money fun.
Kids are rewarded with virtual money for answering questions correctly then get to make decisions on how they spend it.
They can shop at virtual stores, donate it or invest in things like further education and property that will increase their long-term wealth.
In this way MoneyTime enables children to learn the consequences of their financial decisions, without risk, or fear of failure.
How MoneyTime works
Proven effective by thousands of students
MoneyTime was launched into New Zealand primary and intermediate schools in 2018 and already more than 700 schools and 70,000 students have used it. This represents 44% of all New Zealand schools with year 7 and 8 students.
Regular assessment through out the program reveals a 40% average increase in knowledge across all students, which is considered exceptional for any teaching resource. This shows MoneyTime really works!
International financial literacy awards
What Teachers are saying about MoneyTime
“We absolutely loved using MoneyTime! We found it to be an engaging and undeniably beneficial learning experience. All of our parents loved it too.”
— Taylor McGrath, Teacher, Howick Intermediate, Auckland
“My class are absolutely loving MoneyTime. It is a fantastic program!”
— Liz Moka, Teacher, Avalon Intermediate, Lower Hutt
“My students are really enjoying using the program and bug me to unlock the next modules. They particularly like the mix between real world contexts and the maths. “
— Imogen Warren, teacher, Ohau School, South Canterbury
What will children learn?
MoneyTime teaches kids all the things you wish you had been taught about money.
The power of saving for things they want
How to write a CV
How to prepare a simple budget
Why it’s important to pay off debt quickly
How to leverage their money to buy property
How to invest their money wisely
How businesses make profits
How to protect their assets with insurance
How to to keep their money safe online

Why teachers, parents and homeschoolers love MoneyTime
Easy to set up
Getting started is easy! Students simply create an online account, watch a short demo video and away they go. No webinars, no class lists - no hassle.
Engaging for students
The program is highly interactive with students answering questions and solving equations throughout. They can unlock ways to spend their money and are rewarded with awards, certificates and potentially a place on the leaderboard.
Easy to fit in
Lessons take just 30 minutes so can be easily completed during class, after school or at home. MoneyTime is online so can be used anywhere students can connect a laptop, notebook or tablet.
No financial knowledge required
MoneyTime does all the teaching for you, so whether you are a teacher, parent,or homeschooler you don’t need to be a financial whiz. In fact, it’s not necessary to have any financial knowledge at all.
MoneyTime is for Kiwi and Aussie kids
MoneyTime has separate versions for New Zealand and Australia because although our financial systems are largely the same, there are some differences. E.g KiwiSaver vs Australian Super, Polytechs vs TAFES.
If you are in New Zealand, you are on the right site. If you are in Australia, you are better off heading over to the MoneyTime Global site.
There you will be able to make Australian school enquiries or purchase licenses for the MoneyTime Australia Parent version or the MoneyTime Australia Homeschool version.
Financial literacy made easy
Benefits for teachers
No personal finance knowledge required
No prep work or administration
Equally usable in Math, English and Social Studies
Automatically marked quizzes and detailed reporting
Guidelines for class activities and discussions
Proven efficacy with thousands of students
Follows the New Zealand and Australian financial literacy curriculums
Benefits for parents and homeschoolers
Incorporates the latest thinking in online learning - self directed and gamified
Practical real world learning
No parental knowledge or supervision required
Parent guides provided if you want to be involved
Regular assessment and detailed reporting
Fun and engaging so your children want to do it
60 day money back guarantee