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Financial Literacy in the New Zealand Curriculum

There’s hardly a parent we’ve spoken to who doesn’t want more financial literacy taught in schools. The ongoing refresh of the curriculum provides an opportunity to enable that. MoneyTime recently spoke with the Curriculum Team in the Ministry of Education who provided us with this feedback:

  1. There is no intention to make financial literacy a stand-alone subject

  2. They are not contemplating it be put it in a single subject e.g social sciences

  3. Instead, it will continue to be referred to across the maths, social sciences and commerce learning areas

  4. The curriculum is likely to be more prescriptive as to what is taught

  5. It is not clear if will refer to the current Financial Literacy Progressions

  6. The intention is to call it “financial education” instead of “financial literacy”

  7. The focus will likely shift from economics to personal finance to make it more relevant to all students.

  8. A “marketplace” is being considered for available resources that will be linked from the learning areas in the curriculum.

  9. The Curriculum Team understand the significance of personal finance for young people and will be endeavoring to give it more prominence in the refreshed curriculum.

    Let’s hope they do!